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주요 장비

Main Equipments

7.0 T MRIㅡHRRT-PET Fusion System

7.0 T MRIㅡHRRT-PET Fusion System

[HRRT(High Resolution Research Tomography)-
PET(Positron Emission Tomography]

Instrument name HRRT-PET
Manufacturer CTI (SIEMENS)
Installation year 2005
Usage 고해상도 양전자방출 단층 영상 촬영
High-resolution positron emission
tomographic imaging
Features 기존 PET의 5-6mm 해상도에서 2.5mm 해상도까지
획기적인 발전을 가져 옴. 이같이 월등히 높은 고해상,
고감도 뇌영상이 가능함으로써 뇌기능의 분자적 연구의
새 장을 열었음.
It brings about remarkable development from 5-6mm
resolution of the existing PET to 2.5mm resolution.
Such high-resolution and high-sensitivity brain
imaging has opened a new chapter in molecular research
of brain function.

시상핵(Thalamic Nuclei) 영상

Images of Thalamic nuclei